A little inspiration on this cold, New York, Monday morning. Jean-Luc Godard's muse and wife Anna Karina is on this old movie poster. I'm loving the shade of orange and the twinkling lights in the background. Anything that twinkles is so "in" lately and I'm a really happy camper about that. The surealness and fantasy of sparkles make me feel like a kid again.
The second image is from a series taken by photographer Andrew Zuckerman. Zuckerman photographs birds in mid-flight and then removes the natural background, replacing it with a stark white backdrop and giving the images a surreal and painterly quality.
The two images I chose today represent design's current paradoxical trend of breaking objects down into their most basic and beautiful parts while also celebrating excess. This paradox says a lot about our times- perhaps our yearning for a realistic approach is meeting our fantasy about how we wish things really were. Isn't achieving that balance of maintaining a realistic outlook, while not losing a fantastical and childlike optimism for excess, what life is all about anyways? Mine is...